
A Chakravarthi

Chakravala , chakravarti: A universal monarch who rules over all four continents

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The whole earth is the sepulchre of famous men. They are honoured not only by columns and inscriptions in their own land, but in foreign nations on memorial graven not on stone but in the hearts and minds of men. ~ Thucydides, ‘History of the Peloponnesian War,’ 404 BCE
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Dinesh said:

One of these early slabs is now in Musee Guimet in Paris. Although badly damaged and incomplete, enough survives to show a king flanked by two lesser male figures who face him with their hands pressed together in the “anjani mudra’ the ‘gesture of reverence’. The king – who quite clearly has something of a beer-belly hanging over his waist-cloth has assumed a striking pose, with his right hand raised and his left clenched by his breast. A multi-spoked cartwheel is displayed behind him on the top of a pillar, together with a second, far taller pillar broken at the top but closely resembling Firoz Shah’s Lat and other such columns. A saddled but riderless house stands at the king’s feet. On one side part of shrine-like structure and part of the figure of a buxom woman grasping the branch of a tree have survived. The faces of all three male figures appear to have been deliberately defaced. ~ Page 90

IMG 5532
6 weeks ago

Peter_Private_Box said:

Hi Dinesh
I like this picture.
I remember the name from somewhere, but it wasn't in the context of ruling anybody.. I think he wrote a book of some sort..
Best Wishes, and stay safe!!
6 weeks ago