
Plate 2.6

Anon. The Church of Christ (c.1568)
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Dinesh said:

That Rigiomontanus’s en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regiomontanus apocalyptic prophecy for 1588 also made an impact in the Netherlands can be seen from the chronicle of the Ommeland framer Abel Eppens where it is reported among other signs of the Last Days. From the outset the Dutch Revolt was fanned by a combination of anti-Spanish and anti-Catholic propaganda which portrayed both Habsburg Spain and the papacy as anti-Christian and more often than not in strongly apocalyptic terms. Such views were, of course, reinforced by the persecutions instigated by the Duke of Alva and his notorious Council of Blood or Trouble which sought to suppress heresy and stamp out sedition, thereby causing more than 100,000 people to flee the southern Netherlands between 1567 and 1573 for Germany, England and the northern Netherlands in particular. ` Page 62

21 months ago