
Plate 2.5

Samuel Ward, To God. In memorye of the double deliveerunce from the invincible Navie and the unmatheabale powder Treason (1621)
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Dinesh said:

A couple of generations of English Puritans brought up on stories about the Spanish Armada en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Armada and Gunpowder Plot en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunpowder_Plot considered England’s role as an elect nation absolutely central for success in the forthcoming apocalyptic battle against Antichrist. It influenced Puritan writers such as Alexander Leighton, Joseph Mede and William Prynne, just to mention a few for the most prominent, who all claimed that it was only true godliness which had preserved England when confronted by the ‘power of Hell’ and Antichrist in the form of the Armada and the Gunpowder Plot. Retrospectively the defeat of the Armada had proved the validity of the widely circulated prophecy by the German astronomer Regiomontanus, issued some forty years earlier, that 1588 would be a year of special escheathological significance: Great happenings and wonders could be expected that year if the world did not come to an end.” Retrospectively English Puritans came to interpret the Armada and the Gunpowder Plot as near apocalyptic events which confirmed England’s status as elect nation. Thus in 1621 the Puritan preacher in Ipswich, Samuel Ward, designed a broadsheet depicting the two events together, which he had printed ;in Amsterdam which the title: “To God. In memorye of the double deliverance from the invincible Navie and the unmatcheable powder Treason (Plate 2.5. It shows how England had been preserved from the anti-Christian mechinations of the pope, his cardinals, the Devil and the King of Spain, through God’s grace. . . . Page 66

20 months ago

Peter_Private_Box said:

Hi Dinesh

A very nice picture, which I like very much!

Wonderful composition

Great colours

Best Wishes, HWW, and stay safe!!
20 months ago

Dinesh replied to Peter_Private_Box:

Thank you
20 months ago ( translate )