This one is dedicated to all my friends in the
Sunday Challenge group where the ability to
urk, for some at least, has become an art form.
It's actually a macro shot of the street sign for Turker Lane in Northallerton just carefully framed, cropped and tweaked.
EDIT: I should have explained that it's a running joke amongst group members. For example, if you really don't fancy a particular challenge you might say urk, which is probably much better than some of the alternatives!
However, as Urk is actually a real place which can be found in the Flevoland province of the central Netherlands I should say no offence intended to the good people of Urk ... I'm sure it's a lovely town!
Indycaver (Norm) said:
autofantasia replied to Indycaver (Norm):
Clickity Click replied to autofantasia:
autofantasia replied to Clickity Click:
Don Sutherland said:
autofantasia replied to Don Sutherland:
Shuttering Yukon said:
autofantasia replied to Shuttering Yukon:
Esther said:
autofantasia replied to Esther:
Shuttering Yukon replied to autofantasia:
Sami Serola (inactiv… said:
.t.a.o.n. said:
Heidiho said:
(.... waiting the next panning or bokeh challenge ... :-/)
Enjoy your weekend,
see you on sunday !
Shuttering Yukon replied to Heidiho: