
Kodak Brownie Holiday

This is a Kodak Brownie Holiday Flash, with the contacts to attach a flash unit. I have another Holiday, but it doesn't accept the flash unit. Taken with my Pentax MV.

Camera: Asahi Pentax MV
Lens: SMC Pentax-M 50mm, f/2
Filter: Asahi Pentax L39 UV filter SMC
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400 ISO black and white 35mm film
Exposure program: Bulb "B"
Aperture: F/22
Exposure length: 15 secs.
Date: February 12th, 2011, 1.44 a.m.
Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A.

Developing specifics (chemicals at 72 degrees):
D-76: 5 1/2 mins. (1:1)
Ilford Ilfostop stop bath: 1 min.
Kodak fixer: 7 mins.
Water rinse: 1 min.
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