
"Bambi Surreal"

It's a wonder how interesting even the worst and shakiest shots sometimes come out! A doe Whitetail Deer (Odocolleus virginianus) grazing along the shore of 10-acre Lake Loree at the Sunny Hill Resort and Golf Course in Greenville, Greene County, New York. I just returned from a ten day trip there to fish, eat, relax, photograph, get fresh air and meet new friends. All pf my goals were accomplished! I hope everyone's summer has been safe and well.
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Jeff Farley said:

A great capture John.
Enjoy your day and thank you for posting to FFF.
2 years ago

Puzzler4879 replied to Jeff Farley:

Thanks for your visit and kind words, Jeff. Hope you and yours are safe and well. I'm going back up there soon for ofur days, and will have more photos to post I'm sure.
2 years ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Admirable.... Have a nice week.
2 years ago ( translate )

Puzzler4879 replied to Malik Raoulda:

Thanks so much as always, Malik! I hope you and yours are safe and well. Glad you liked my shot. I will be making one more short trip to this resort soon for this year.
2 years ago

Annemarie said:


Happy new week:)
2 years ago ( translate )

Puzzler4879 replied to Annemarie:

Many thanks, Annemarie! I hope that all is well with you and yours. Take Care!!
2 years ago

micritter said:

Glad you showed us this wonderful shot.
2 years ago

Puzzler4879 replied to micritter:

Many thanks, and so glad you liked it! Be well, my friend!!
2 years ago

ColRam said:

An artistic blur !
2 years ago

Puzzler4879 replied to ColRam:

My sincere thanks!! I wish I could make interesting shots like this on purpose!
2 years ago

raingirl said:

This really is wonderful. The blur goes right along with the subject matter, and the composition works really well. Beautiful.
14 months ago