
Het buitenleven - The great outdoors

The Sunday Challenge: het buitenleven

Op de drempel tussen binnen en buiten groeit en bloeit deze muurleeuwenbek.

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The Sunday Challenge: the great outdoors

On the threshold between indoors and outdoors, this wall ivy-leaved toadflax is growing and flowering. De Dutch name (Wall lion’s beak) refers to its habitat on a wall and the form of the flowers.

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neira-Dan said:

la vie peut s'installer partout pour conquérir !
2 years ago ( translate )

Xata said:

Nice photo, nature’s artistry
2 years ago

Jan said:

Lovely! It’s escaping
2 years ago ( translate )

Amelia said:

This ivy leaved toad-flax will survive in the most inhospitable of conditions. It's very pretty and will brighten up ant wall.
2 years ago

Wierd Folkersma said:

mooi lichten het contrast tussen de bakstenen en de planten
2 years ago ( translate )

Clickity Click said:

The draping of the plant really does soften the hardness of the bricks. Nicely seen and captured. :)
Slava Ukraine
2 years ago

Gillian Everett said:

Appealing image, lovely light.
2 years ago ( translate )

PhLB - Luc Boonen said:

Je hebt echt oog voor detail Diederik, prachtig in toon, scherpte, lichtval
2 years ago ( translate )

Amazingstoker said:

Looks great with the dappled shadow across the regular brickwork . .
2 years ago

Jean Pierre Marcello said:

Survie, adaptation, combat contre l’adversité ? Bravo pour lui avoir donné un instant de noblesse.
2 years ago ( translate )