Another 4x4
Little tower with Chestnut roofing, in the garden of the museum in Crozant, Creuse.
Also taken with a 127 size camera, a Yashica 44, another delightful miniature, this time a TLR. Like the Komaflex, I gave up on the problems of slicing 120 film - I found it almost impossible to do this without leaving either scratches, or other defects, on the film.
I still have a Yashica 44LM, but it's in poor condition, and it is way down the list of priorities at present !!
Yashica 44 Foma 200 in Diafine
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Taken on Wednesday August 11, 2010
Posted on Saturday January 21, 2017
- 573 visits
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Mikeinlagardette said:
╰☆☆June☆☆╮ said:
Historical & Architectural Gems
Mikeinlagardette replied to ╰☆☆June☆☆╮:
Marta Wojtkowska said:
Mikeinlagardette replied to Marta Wojtkowska:
One of the reasons I like living in central France, is the multitude of unspoiled buildings !!
Best, Mike
Murray Kelly said:
I just made some wire loops to attach a neck strap on my Y-44. It has the wind knob (no crank) and I can only count 6 reflections so I could probably have used it on this group. Someone had been in it before as I had to fix the shutter and relocate the mirror to its correct position. I have hardly laid a hand on it since then - only to put some electrician's tape over the light meter to help make it last a bit longer.
If I was a bit more mobile maybe I could capture a few but none will be as good as the ones you've posted. Thank you. (I've been warned off driving for 3 months by the neurosurgeon. :-(
Mikeinlagardette replied to Murray Kelly:
Interesting about the tape on old lightmeters, I've always found the exact opposite - give 'em half an hour under a powerful quartz light,- often gives even hopeless cases another lease of life. The other thing is the connections, and I always hesitate to get the soldering iron out (!), but the electro-conductive paint they sell in motor stores for repairing rear screen heaters, and so on, works a treat !!
Sorry to hear that you're grounded, - take it easy, and get well soon !
Best, Mike