
Glastonbury Abbey Fish Pond

Each today, well-lived, makes yesterday a dream of happiness and each tomorrow a vision of hope. Look, therefore, to this one day, for it and it alone is life

The Sanskrit

Taken with an old cheap not special digital camera... but was a day in a 3 week Odyssey that meant all to me. I want to go Home.

"Today" for the Poetography Group
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Shuttering Yukon said:

you are home my lovely! make the bestest of it! this is beautiful!
10 years ago

Pam J replied to Shuttering Yukon:

Thats what you dont understand... I am not Home.. and this will never BE Home.... ever.
10 years ago

Shuttering Yukon replied to Pam J:

I know as far as 'the lay of the land goes' you are not 'home'... but you have a great guy, a home and friends here now.. as for family... I do know how it sucks to only have the once a month calls and the once every 5 or 10 year visits.. and my family is way closer. I do know what you mean, really I do.
10 years ago

Pam J said:

I have Jay.. and for that I am forever grateful. I have my dogs .....ditto

I have no in the flesh friends within 1000 miles. It isnt family I miss ... rather divorced them 18 years ago.. it is my few friends there.. and ENGLAND

I have lived abroad before.... never been homesick.....till now........... I MISS THE SEA.. and old... and green... and any damned water !!!!!!!!!!
10 years ago

Shuttering Yukon replied to Pam J:

and green! we don't get a lot of green here, but there is plenty of lakes, streams and rivers...
10 years ago

Clickity Click said:

Oh Pam, my heart breaks for you ... to be away from your homeland. To be so far removed from everything must be so hard. Please know that England will always be there waiting for you whenever you can return & I do hope you can find some peace until that day! Hugs
10 years ago

Pam J replied to Clickity Click:

Thankyou Chris...

I AM grateful for Jay.... it was a long haul to get him ! ... I am grateful... but you cant kill the feelings.

I have a mantra... it was Julian of Norwich for said it(amazing WOMAN).

"All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well."
10 years ago

Pam J replied to Shuttering Yukon:

Water.... I vaguely remember water..................
10 years ago ( translate )

Dick M said:

Good reflections.
A nice lady like you should never be sad or homesick.
9 years ago

Pam J replied to Dick M:

Thankyou Dick...

and thankyou for the kind sentiment.
9 years ago