
Drink to me only with thine eyes ....

Drink to me only with thine eyes,
And I will pledge with mine;
Or leave a kiss but in the cup
And I'll not ask for wine.

Ben Johnson

I dont like B&W photography much.. cept in very rare cases. This is possibly the only time I will convert a pic from colour to B&W .. and I still not sure it works.... but this was the quote I wanted to use !

The colour original was taken for Jay.... we were 4000 miles apart . Pic taken 10th January 2006.

I made the frame

"Wine" for the Poetography Group
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Shuttering Yukon said:

well there is where we differ, I am addicted to b-w... years ago that is all I used for film... It brings out the beauty in ƃuᴉHʇʎɹƎʌǝ! It has depth and shadows that normally you don't see. I like it better if the shot is taken in b-w rather than converted, in my eyes there is a difference.

anyway... this is a beautiful picture, a wonderful quote and perfect processing!
10 years ago

Pam J replied to Shuttering Yukon:

Life is colour.. ask anyone losing their sight... or blind later in life ... what they miss.. they will answer colour.

Colour emulsions were expensive and bad.... one had to use B&W... but it isnt Life.

I DO like it for SOME architecture.... and I do agree there is a big difference in actual and converted . This I darkened as well to achieve something like I had in mind. Also I only had a cwappy cheap camera.. and the pic didnt start life all that great anyway.

I see B&W used so often wrongly ...people seem to feel its the "thing" to use.. and so often... it loses everything.

Horses for courses.. and B&W is still very specialist.
10 years ago

Peggy C said:

Music adds color to Life .. we see with our eyes, yet all just a little differently.
So, I hear beautiful music as I see this, Pam J ~
10 years ago

Pam J replied to Peggy C:

Hugssssssss for you SAB
10 years ago ( translate )

Esther said:

That is so romantic.
10 years ago ( translate )

Pam J replied to Esther:

Thankyou Esther !
10 years ago

Dick M said:

How did I miss this? Very artistic and well done.
The song was one a piano teacher tried to teach me oh so many years ago.
9 years ago

Pam J replied to Dick M:

Thankyou Dick !

I learned the song at school for choir.. and I still love it.
9 years ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

What a great picture Pam - very sultry indeed. I'm sure Jay was thrilled to get this. Just love the frame.
6 years ago

Pam J replied to Jenny McIntyre:

5 years ago

Gillian Everett said:

Creative framing, and great that it is in colour making the B&W portrait perfect!
6 years ago

Pam J replied to Gillian Everett:

5 years ago ( translate )

Fred Fouarge said:

you looking good pam
2 years ago ( translate )