My baby.
I did a urine dip stick test on her this afternoon. Her urine is perfect. No glucose, no blood, pH under 6.
In the morning I did a Blood Sugar Level test by pricking the inside tip of her ear. It was 4.6. Almost back to 4.
It was 5 yesterday when I tested it, and the same at the hospital. But in February I tested her a few times and it was always 4. Stress elevates it.
I took these tests because I was worried she had been excessively drinking yesterday and this morning. This afternoon it all settled down.
I gave her lots of affection today. Went through copious rubber gloves. She notices I'm using gloves, she notices there is a difference, I can't wait till I can just touch her like I used to. Only 13 more days.
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Taken on Wednesday July 13, 2016
Posted on Wednesday July 13, 2016
- 201 visits
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1 comment
Edward Bowthorpe said: