
Josie at the vet.

On Thursday 19th May, Josie and I are waiting for our turn to see the vet. She had dental surgery. I decided to do her teeth before I give her the Radioactive Iodine treatment to make sure her teeth do not become a problem. The money from her donation funds for her treatment was not used for this. I doubt I'll be able to raise the money for her dental, and it had to be done. I swore I'd never take a loan to pay for vet fees, but things have been awful with the problems with the cats being poisoned, and the costs have blown out. I believe things will work out in the end, I'm just sure things will work out. I've never been one to borrow money.

I've been quite sick, gastro problems for about 3 days. Today, Saturday, I have improved a lot, but I still have to take it easy.
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Edward Bowthorpe said:

Hi Dianne,I do hope that Josie will be okay,also I do hope that you are feeling better soon my dear friend,eddie,xxx
8 years ago

~ MCJ replied to Edward Bowthorpe:

Thanks a lot Eddie xo
8 years ago