
Santa Bárbara-Changó

An old piece (done in the 90's). Acrylic on glass reverse painting, with an imaginary figure of the Yoruba god Shango and the catholic Saint Barbara, the two of them got fused (syncretization) in Cuba and the Caribbean. The outlines I had made with marker, vanished.

'A Santa Bárbara (Que viva Changó)' by Celina y Reutilio www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iL0a1kCeTg (great Celina died recently)
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Risa Profana said:

The scan isn't very nice, it was difficult to make it. Sorry for that.
10 years ago

Risa Profana said:

Thank you Hellemor. I decided to not touch her any more, since the back is covered with aluminium foil glued to it and in any case reverse painting is a tricky thing to make amendments. But if I were to make a new painting I will keep that in mind.
9 years ago

dolores666 said:

Santa Barbara bendita. Patrona de las tormentas. Y por tanto de rayos, centellas y truenos. En España dicen "Solo se acuerda uno de Santa Barbara cuando llueve". :-) Y si no me falla la memoria el polvorin de los viejos barcos de vela se llamava "la santabarbara". Bellisima, tu imagen.
9 years ago ( translate )

Sylvie Coeffic said:

Magnifique ! :-)
9 years ago ( translate )