

Assemblage with found objects. It still needs a glass cover and maybe some tiny last touches. At the moment the glue is drying.
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Tim Lukeman said:

Oh, this is just lovely & mysterious, Risa!
10 years ago

Risa Profana replied to Tim Lukeman:

Thank you so much, Tim!
10 years ago

Steve Bucknell said:

A moving Cornell-like vision. The hand seems to reach up with its offering in a glyph-covered sky. It feels grounded by the subterranean level it stands on. It offers a calm, delicately coloured composition which infolds in complex ways . I could live in an assemblage like that.
10 years ago

Risa Profana replied to Steve Bucknell:

I love Cornell and I am really a little afraid to go in that direction, because it can end up in plain imitation. I have three more boxes, but not so much vintage stuff and such. I guess I will go more abstract with the others (more "Schwitterisch"... the other one I love).
But to this one: I had very few objects and while I was playing how to put things together, the feeling surged of Freud's description of personality and with this notion in mind is how I continued assembling the piece. Thanks for your description, Steve.
10 years ago

Risa Profana said:

Thank you cc. I took a short online-workshop and the teacher uses plexi-glass which she fixes with carpet nails around. I haven't found the source for plexi-glass in my place yet and the box is too thin to put nails on the borders anyway. I have a glass cut to size and may place it with silicone and put a cardboard border around, but I still have to figure out today how it looks best. I used to frame tiny paintings with just a glass and surround them with coloured Canson- paper covering front, back (about 5mm) folded over the border, they look quite good and it is simple to do.
10 years ago

Loewe48 said:

10 years ago ( translate )

Bernhard Hofbeck said:

It´s fantastic!
10 years ago ( translate )

Stan Askew said:

it is great !!!
10 years ago

Risa Profana said:

Dankeschön Loewe und Bernhard! Thank you Stan!
10 years ago ( translate )

Don Sutherland said:

Wonderful photo.
10 years ago

Risa Profana replied to Don Sutherland:

Thanks Don.
10 years ago ( translate )

Léopold said:

Such an artistic and clever way to save the planet with talent.

Congrats !
10 years ago

Risa Profana said:

Thanks Léopold. To save the planet we need to do much, much, more than that.
10 years ago

Risa Profana said:

Thank you very much Nori-San!
10 years ago

Gabi Lombardo said:

wonderful work!
9 years ago ( translate )