My 'Rosebud'
"Rosebud" in reference to 'Citizen Kane', the film by Orson Wells, because a box of colors is the equivalent "Rosebud" in my childhood memories.
The photo is from a course I took two years ago, but since I have been packing all the week (rosebuds and scanner included, but found the photos in an external back-up disk) it resumes beautifully the current landscape around me, here :)
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Taken on Friday February 21, 2014
Posted on Friday February 21, 2014
- 924 visits
- 18 people like
Marko Novosel said:
Risa Profana replied to Marko Novosel:
Karen's Place said:
Risa Profana replied to Karen's Place:
Risa Profana said:
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Bob Taylor said:
Risa Profana replied to Bob Taylor:
Risa Profana said:
Smiley Derleth said:
Risa Profana replied to Smiley Derleth:
Julien Rappaport said:
Risa Profana replied to Julien Rappaport:
Risa Profana said:
raingirl said:
I'd love to have this in my group 'm m multiples s s' - if you want.