
Nederland - Kasteel Renswoude

Kasteel Renswoude (Renswoude Castle), formerly called Borchwal, is a castle and knight's manor and estate nearby the village of Renswoude. The first house probably dates from the late 14th century. Perhaps the name refers to a borgwal (circular rampart) that surrounded the castle.

During the Dutch 'Golden Age' - in 1654 – the original house was demolished by order of Johan van Reede and replaced by the current country house in Dutch-classicist style. It was probably built on the medieval foundations. The castle has a special design, which gives it a double appearance. The white plastered back gives the building a real country-house appearance, while the front with its towers is more reminiscent of a castle. The facade of the main building is dominated by the large tower in the middle with a corner tower protruding on either side.

Kasteel Renswoude is surrounded by a park, which is open to the public. Nowadays the castle is divided into several apartments where some members of the castle owners' family reside.
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Joe, Son of the Rock said:

Excellent perspective and great use of lead-in lines towards this magnificent building. All the best, Joe
2 weeks ago

Walter 7.8.1956 said:

HFF und einen guten Start ins Wochenende-
2 weeks ago ( translate )

uwschu said:

schöne zentrale Aufnahme
2 weeks ago ( translate )

Pat Del said:

De toute beauté, cette résidence !
2 weeks ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

Admirable et excellente prise joliment partagée avec cette magnifique perspective qui se termine sur ce beau château de Renswoude.
Bonne et agréable journée paisible et salutaire.
2 weeks ago ( translate )

Jeanne chevillard said:

magnifiques photos
2 weeks ago ( translate )

Franck Chabal said:

Belle profondeur de champ, HFF Jaap
2 weeks ago ( translate )

Mikus said:

Heute ein sehr imposante Wohnanlage. Herrlich gelegen. HFF und ein schönes Wochenende, Jaap.
2 weeks ago ( translate )

Jean-louis Thiaudier… said:

2 weeks ago ( translate )

Nouchetdu38 said:

Magnificent entrance into a magical world!!!!
2 weeks ago ( translate )

Madeleine Defawes said:

Superbes images de ce beau château bien entretenu !
Bon weekend. Amitiés
2 weeks ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) said:

Great perspective to the main image and a fine series, Jaap
HFF and a nice weekend!
2 weeks ago

Xata said:

Fine series as always, HFF Jaap.
2 weeks ago ( translate )

José Manuel Polo said:

Se buscó y encontró la profundidad de campo en la presentación. Me gustan estos tiros desde atrás siguiendo el paseo arbolado hasta llegar al sujeto principal al fondo. Al mismo tiempo guarda toda la simetría que permite el arbolado. Además coincide un juego de color verde y dorado (hojas caídas) en franjas que también ayudan a llevar la mirada al fondo.
2 weeks ago ( translate )

José Manuel Polo said:

De los reflejos conseguidos, de la magnífica serie y detallada información, no lo cité porque es tan obvio que no necesitan comentario. Lo fabuloso... son fotografías puras de algo real que forma e informa de la historia y actualidad. Gracias por compartir tus trabajos, Jaap.
2 weeks ago ( translate )