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uwschu said:
Nouchetdu38 said:
Stormlizard said:
Edward Bowthorpe said:
jeybee68 said:
Marie-claire Gallet said:
Annemarie said:
Smiley Derleth said:
Adriana Grecu said:
sasithorn_s said:
Dom said:
Rymie Jolie said:
Julien Rappaport said:
Dick M said:
xacobeo4 said:
uwschu said:
Nouchetdu38 said:
Nice shot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stormlizard said:
Edward Bowthorpe said:
jeybee68 said:
I am now on flickr too.
Marie-claire Gallet said:
In the meatime I shall keep on Ipernity till the end !!!!!!!!
Annemarie said:
Smiley Derleth said:
I may see you over on flickr. As you say, my account over there is way behind this one (3 and a half years). Take care and best of luck.
Adriana Grecu said:
sasithorn_s said:
Dom said:
dit chez nous !
Rymie Jolie said:
Julien Rappaport said:
Dick M said:
xacobeo4 said: