
more of the marshes

Part of a submerged forest dating back to about 6,000 years ago! Some of it is exposed on the Thames foreshore at Rainham Marshes. The forest, consisting of fallen tree trunks and roots, is of Neolithic age, a time when sea level was much lower.
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Fred Fouarge said:

2 months ago

benastrada said:

Exactly that Fred Fouarge, HFF everyone!
2 months ago

Xata said:

Love the sky too, HFF Benestrada
2 months ago

benastrada replied to Xata:

It was a beautiful day, and east London does have the most amazing skies with clouds when it is sunny... HFF Xata!
2 months ago

Christa1004 said:

Your explanation is really interesting - and to think that there is a forest underwater... HFF Benastrada.
2 months ago

benastrada replied to Christa1004:

Thanks Christa1004, I did a little mudlarking with a friend and I discovered there are quite a lot of remnants of ancient forests... fascinating...
HFF to you!
2 months ago

Stephan Fey said:

HFF, Benestrada!
2 months ago ( translate )

Ecobird said:

Thank you for the information. A super shot and what a great sky!

2 months ago

Dimas Sequeira said:

Beautiful view to the marshes, great sky! Belated HFF, Benastrada!
2 months ago