Looking at the Southern Cross and the adjacent areas of the southern night sky - best viewed large (though first check the details in the Notes). Tonight I feel a
Leonard Cohen link is appropriate, though the relevance may be less clear outside Australia.
William Sutherland said:
Admired in:
Pam J said:
Rosalyn Hilborne said:
Great music link too!
Malik Raoulda said:
Bon Dimanche.
RHH said:
Janet Brien said:
I'm coming by to say HI!!! I don't have time for my usual commentary but wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and stopped by! :D
Marta Wojtkowska said:
Ulrich John said:
Steve Paxton said:
Karen's Place said:
An interesting song but you're right, I don't get the connection. ;-)
Jaap van 't Veen said:
Annemarie said:
Happy colorful week ahead:)
* ઇઉ * said:
RHH said:
RHH said: