
Jumping Spider Collage

Jumping Spiders are favorites for many people who like arachnids. It's easy to understand why. They are extremely curious and intelligent and will turn around to look at things, including YOU! They are fun to watch as they crawl around and they can jump quite a distance for their small size! In fact, they will often jump on your camera lens if you get too close! Jumping Spiders also have extremely good eyesight and they are easy to recognize because their main pair of eyes is very large and look like headlamps! There are over 5,000 species all over the world, and some species are so beautiful they would take your breath away! Here's one type called a Peacock Jumping Spider!
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Andrew Trundlewagon said:

Great pictures, thanks
11 years ago

Puzzler4879 said:

That's Wild!!
Seen in

Wonderful World
of Wildlife!!
11 years ago ( translate )

Martyn Gavan said:

Stunning ! Even the Spider looks up at you..
11 years ago

Andrew Trundlewagon said:

A nice composite, great deatails- the fangs look pretty deadly. Glad I'm not an insect.
11 years ago