
169/365: "For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect." — Pfeiffer's Law, Dr. Carl C. Pfeiffer, M.D., PhD.

Today I walked down to the mailbox with my camera, and spent some time visiting the blackberry bushes and the flowers nearby. I found this beautiful St. John's Wort blossom glowing in the morning sunshine that I thought might make a pretty picture! :) (Today I also have an image of some of the froglets in Angel's Pond and also a beautiful red and black longhorned beetle I found this morning! :)

Carl Curt Pfeiffer, M.D., Ph.D. (1908–1988) was a physician and biochemist who researched schizophrenia, allergies and other diseases. He was Chair of the Pharmacology Department at Emory University and considered himself a founder of what two-time Nobel prize winner, Linus Pauling, PhD., named orthomolecular psychiatry and published in the Journal Science. 1968 Apr 19;160(3825):265-71. Pfeiffer was native of Peoria, Illinois and obtained his bachelors and doctorate in pharmacology from University of Wisconsin and medical degree from University of Chicago. He has written several books on nutrition, trace metals, and biochemistry imbalances. Results of his studies have allowed some people suffering from chemical imbalances to gain stability without the use of prescription drugs. Wikipedia: Carl Pfeiffer
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1 comment

Don Sutherland said:

Wonderful capture.
11 years ago ( translate )