(If you want to know about Lucky, please visit this picture and read the story! :)
My Friend Lucky
Lucky and his friends are happy and healthy in their new home, and I find myself visiting several times a day just to sit and chuckle at all the little tadpoles swimming around. Here are three of them at the side of the pool, nibbling at stuff I can't see, probably microscopic algae. (please forgive the mess--when transplanting the tadpoles, I brought a bunch of mud too, because it's full of food they eat. It's not pretty but it's part of a pond ecosystem! :)
Most--if not all--of the tadpoles that I rescued will be Pacific Tree Frogs. We may have another type of frog but probably not, since the tadpoles are almost all the same size and the other frog possibility is larger. We also have toads on the property, but none of the tadpoles are massive--believe me, if you saw a toad tadpole for the first time next to a frog tadpole, you'd be amazed...they're enormous!
The change from tadpole to frog normally takes between 2 and 2.5 months, but some tadpoles delay this metamorphosis, taking as long as 5 months to change into a frog!
I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too!
Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :)