--- Taking the day off, will be back tomorrow!! :D --
(If you want to know about Lucky, please visit this picture and read the story! :)
My Friend Lucky
Can you say cute?!! I'm beginning to wonder if it's possible to take a bad picture of a developing frog! :D I've been having such fun with these little guys and I have lots and lots of pictures to share in the coming days! This one is another one of my favorites! :)
This morning when I went out to say hi to the tadpole kids, I was surprised to find a garter snake hanging out right next to the pool. It didn't disappear into the grass, but sat there for several moments looking at me curiously before finally going into a hole nearby. I have a feeling that it's been snacking on exuberant froglets who are probably hopping around the area. Oh well, the clever ones will make it and the really smart ones will stay in the pool until they're full-sized!
Did you know that tadpoles are herbivores and frogs are carnivores?! Tadpoles have completely different mouths with tooth-like projections in their small jaws. They scrape algae off rocks and also eat plant matter that they find. (They also love the fish food flakes that I feed them!) As they change from a tapole into a frog, their jaws will enlarge and they'll grow real teeth. (More fun facts, another update and a new picture tomorrow!
I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too!
Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :)