Tiny Blue Beauty: The 98th Flower of Spring & Summer!
Here's another flower that I wasn't able to identify, though I certainly looked long enough. The problem with identification books is that they cannot possibly include pictures of all the species out there. Sometimes they don't have pictures. Other times the flower is so uncommon that they leave it out and put in a more common flower. Of course, maybe this is the first time anyone has seen this flower!! (I doubt it! :D) I found this flower growing in a couple of places on our property, under the forest canopy or nestled in deep grass. The flower itself is only about 1/4" in diameter and only its brilliant color attracted my attention. The plant grows only about 8-10" high, quite inconspicuous except for the pretty blue flowers.
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Taken on Thursday May 10, 2012
Posted on Wednesday July 18, 2012
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