Lucky's Pond: This is the Life (Pond Update!)
Here are a couple of froglets relaxing on a rock and enjoying a lazy day in the pond. It's been 19 days now since I brought the crew up to the new pond under the Oak tree, and so much has happened. Dozens of tadpoles have turned into little froglets, slowly losing their tails and then climbing up the side of the pool and hopping off to seek their fortune! I water the area around the pool every couple of days so it's not quite as dry, but their froggy senses should direct them to the cool shade under the plants 20 feet away by the side of our house. There is a dripping faucet there and water for the animals that stop by. (There are also ramps to get back up to the pool.)
In the pond, there are still countless tadpoles, many of which still don't have any legs yet! A few froglets have stayed around and are growing larger with each passing day. I've found full-grown Pacific Tree Frogs visiting the pond at night, and lots of insects and spiders have been hanging around too. It's become quite an oasis for the little creatures in the area, but we do keep a screen over the top because a single thirsty deer could drain the entire pond, which would be a disaster. In short, Lucky's Pond is a total success! Steve and I are planning to make a permanent pond here so there will always be a sanctuary for the late tadpoles every year and a new place to live year-round! :)
More fun froggy facts tomorrow, along with another picture from Lucky's Pond! :)
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Taken on Monday July 9, 2012
Posted on Monday July 23, 2012
- 285 visits