Here's an image I'm not very happy with. It was a windy day when I took pictures of this flower, and though I took many shots and upped my ISO, this is the only one that came out without blur. I remember now that I planned to take more pictures on another day, but sadly, it didn't happen. I wanted show this in
full bloom and at least, a better quality example, but this will have to do! Well, at least I captured a happy Carpet Beetle in the image to add a festive atmosphere! :D
This flower is one of about 75 species in the "Lomatium" genus, all of which are native to western North America. They are also commonly known as "biscuit roots" because of their edible roots, and are a traditional food of Native Americans. The roots are cooked, dried and ground into flour, or ground raw into a mush and formed into cakes and stored for future meals.They are said to taste like celery, parsnip or old biscuits. One species is useful in the treatment of upper respiratory infections, coughing, and tuberculosis!