
Ruby Macaw Hybrid

What happens when you take a Scarlet Macaw and you breed it to a Greenwing Macaw? You get a hybrid called a Ruby Macaw, and it has some characteristics from both types of macaw, with a touch of its own differences as well: both parent birds are a bright red, but this bird has a less brilliant color which changes to orange-red around its neck. Just like mixing two breeds of dogs or cats together, the offspring from a hybrid mix can all turn out slightly different within the same clutch of chieks.

Hybrids are severely frowned upon in aviculture because both most acaws are endangered in the wild, and it is considered to be very irresponsible to create these bird blends when keeping the bloodlines pure is so important. When Steve and I went to Chris Biro's "Pirate's Parrot Show" at the Jackson County Fair, he educated the public about hybrids and why they are not a good thing in the bird world. Nevertheless, this bird is very beautiful, and now it has the chance to help teach people more about parrots and conservation.

If you would like to know about Chris Biro's wonderful parrot conservation organization, please visit Bird Recovery International

By the way, I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too!

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