Tiny Jumping Spider: Mr. Fancy Face!
I know I've been posting a lot of spider pictures lately, but it's not my fault! These cutie pies have been presenting themselves a lot in the past week or two!
Isn't this little Jumping Spider just the cutest thing EVER?!! LOOK AT THAT FACE!!! Look at the FANCY HAIR!! The lovely blush on its...er...cheeks! I'm in love!!! :D All this cuteness in a 1/4" package, can you believe it?!! I simply love having a macro lens because I can't possibly see the amazing details on these itty bitty guys with my naked eyes! I take as many pictures as I can so I get a good look on my computer, and then I can share their cuteness with the rest of the world! :) ENJOY!! :D
Work update: *yawn* I'm falling asleep as I write this, but I did want to say that I've been doing my best to visit your photostreams as I can...I won't have much free time for about two weeks though, so I'll be trying to stop by your wonderful photostreams whenever I have a free moment or two! Thanks so much for your patience and understanding!
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Taken on Monday September 10, 2012
Posted on Wednesday September 19, 2012
- 274 visits