
American Robin Singing to the Morning Sun

This morning when I went out to take my pictures, I heard a bird singing such a lovely song. I looked to see and it was a robin at the top of a nearby Oak tree! I was able to get close enough to get several pictures, and this one shows it singing!! YAY!! As you can see, it's facing the sun and singing it's lovely heart out! :) What a gift for me, and I'm so pleased I could share this experience with all of you! :)

This large songbird is named after the European Robin, but they aren't closely related. A single glance at these two side by side makes it obvious: the European (Flycatcher family) is small, round, and dainty, whereas the American Robin (Thrush family) is large, robust looking and bulkier looking, and it charges around on the grass when looking for insects and worms to eat. American Robins are one of the most common birds in the United States! This popular bird is also the state bird of Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

If you would like to know more about his pretty bird, Wiki has a great page here: Wikipedia: American Robin.
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1 comment

micritter said:

Gorgeous! Such beautiful colors and lovely sky.
6 years ago