Today is the 13th anniversary of my first date with Steve! We decided it would be perfect to go on a 25 mile round-trip ride from our home to the little town of Shady Cove, where we got a tasty lunch before heading back and stopping at a boat launch/park next to the beautiful Rogue River. While Steve kicked back for 20-30 minutes and slowly turned into a blissful, sun-baked lizard, I got to thoroughly enjoy myself while I looked for pictures! When I got back from my photo adventure, I couldn't resist taking a picture of my husband, who was no longer distinguishable from a sleeping iguana! :D :D
(Oh, by the way, these are called "trikes" and they are made by a British company, "Trice". We love them! If you want to know more about these, Steve has a blog!
Steve's Trike Journal)
Deepak Chopra (born October 22, 1947) is an Indian-born American physician, a holistic health/New Age guru, and perhaps the wealthiest and most famous of America's alternative medicine practitioners. Chopra has taught at the medical schools of Tufts University, Boston University and Harvard University.
Wikipedia: Deepak Chopra
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Alltagsradler Teltow said: