Crab Spider on White Campion
The other day Steve unceremoneously threw me out of the car at 50 mph so I could get my picture of the day...oops...wait...that's not right! :D Let me try again! Steve and I stopped at a pretty little trail where I spent 20 minutes taking pictures of the beautiful White Campion blossoms I found there. And along the way I found this cutie pie in ambush position with hopes of a tasty insect landing close enough to jump on! :) I was delighted that this picture turned out, as the light was poor here and there was a strong breeze! I took about 5-8 shots and only one other one turned out well! It's always a good idea to take a number of pictures of each subject at different apertures to help ensure success, especially when conditions are challenging!
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Taken on Tuesday May 14, 2013
Posted on Saturday May 18, 2013
- 348 visits