
A Crowded Pool

Re-scanned and re-uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: KIDDIE POOLS
Woodlands Avenue, Rayleigh, Essex c,1960.
L to R; Gill, Ruth, Pauline, Frances, me, and unknown child.
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The Limbo Connection said:

People on the margins of society often have their names adorned by a question mark or the word 'possibly'. Unless their own folks were photographers and proficient recorders of family history, it will forever be that way. That is why keeping records is important, as you well know of course.
The runner beans aren't yet in the full bloom of production. But your hair-do looks efficient for the warm weather to come.
6 months ago

Deborah Lundbech replied to The Limbo Connection:

Oh, dear, Limbo. I'm usually really good with assigning names, but after your note I checked this against another photo and saw that this could not possibly be Gillian Hoye. And I don't think this is her older sister either, which puts me out of "possibilities".
So she will be renamed "unknown child" correctly - unless either Frances or Ruth, who are visiting over July 4th, can name her!
I'll let you know.
Gill and Pauline had an amazing gardener father - so different than my own - who is responsible for the runner beans.
My haircut was truly hated by me. I wanted long flowing hair but my mother said I whined too much at untangling time. Probably true.
6 months ago

Alan Mays said:

How cute! I like the way the kids are posing in the pool and how the hose curves around behind the pool.
6 months ago

The Limbo Connection replied to Deborah Lundbech:

How lovely that you remain in touch with friends from your childhood. I hope it all goes well.
6 months ago

Deborah Lundbech said:

Thanks, Alan. I don't believe I ever saw a larger paddling pool when I lived there. Eventually we all got our own pools, (Gill and Pauline's was a first) but they never got any bigger.
It's pretty funny to me how many kids are happily using it.
6 months ago

Deborah Lundbech replied to The Limbo Connection:

Thanks! On July 6th Ruth, Frances and I will be celebrating 60 years of being in America together. Sadly, my brother who lives in Arizona, can't make it - but I'm excited for the three of us to get together.
6 months ago

RicksPics said:

Delightful photo, Deborah. Who was the photographer who coaxed the cute pose? Well-done. I hope you have a fabulous time with your friends over the holiday.
6 months ago

Deborah Lundbech replied to RicksPics:

Rick, I'm pretty sure the photographer was Lil Cox, mother of our neighbors on the other side of us - the ones who didn't emigrate with us but did come over and visit.
As I just wrote to Limbo, celebrating our 60 years in the States on July 6th with Ruth and Frances. Excited!
Ruth is coming from Florida and Frances from Connecticut.
6 months ago

Deborah Lundbech said:

Well, friends, after a fabulous reunion, Ruth, Frances and I all agreed that we had no idea who the "unknown child" is.
A couple of us are in touch with Pauline, third from left, who lives in England. We'll see if she can tell us..
You never know. there's still a chance to identify her!
5 months ago

The Limbo Connection replied to Deborah Lundbech:

Thanks for the news update. Glad it all went so well. Gosh. Sixty years, no wonder some detail is missing. It's miraculous how much has survived.
5 months ago