
Flowers in the Garden #14 and Grabbing some Z's

Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: GRABBING SOME Z’s (Sleeping somewhere other than a bed or cot)
I uploaded this for a theme years ago, but only ever had two photos for this sleeping theme - and this is the better one! So...repeat!
Does he really have a cigarette in his mouth?
Sleeping it off by the flowers?
Originally uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of "FLOWERS IN THE GARDEN".
(#s 1-14)
And reposted for the theme of: GRABBING SOME Z’s (Sleeping somewhere other than a bed or cot.)
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Alan Mays said:

Ha ha, this is great!
6 years ago

Deborah Lundbech said:

: )
6 years ago ( translate )

RicksPics said:

I hope his cigarette isn't lit. A curiously excellent theme image.
10 days ago

Alan Mays said:

It was great for flowers, and it's perhaps even greater for sleeping! (Is he pretending? Is he really sleeping it off? And, like Rick, I hope his cigarette wasn't lit!)
21 hours ago