
Christmas 1955, Highams Park, London, England

Brought forward this time for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme: CHRISTMAS IN JULY.
My mother said (when I laughed my head off at the tree in this picture) that they were impressed there WAS a tree!
(In 1955, this was still post-war Britain in many ways.)
Standing L to R: Molly and Pat, family friends and William and Ann Gregory, my grandparents.
Brought forward (formerly) for the Vintage Photos theme Park theme of "Charlie Brown Christmas Trees"
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Alan Mays said:

It looks nice and bright! And are those balloons floating above?
10 years ago

Deborah Lundbech replied to Alan Mays:

Helium balloons would have been WAY over the top, and probably only owned by the circus.
I'm sure these were stuck into the ceiling.
10 years ago

RicksPics said:

A great family heirloom. It does bring home some sense of how much the economy of Brittain struggled after war; something I was oblivious to until well into college. I'm struck by the shadow of the balloons in the background. It seems that the lamp that lights the scene would be quite high and it's hard to believe the ceiling would be that high. Perhaps it was open to a staircase? Small trees seem to make a lot of sense to me these days.
4 months ago

Deborah Lundbech said:

Rick, I don't remember the ceiling being extraordinarily high. It was a house built in a many house neighborhood, probably c. 1915. (the staircase could not e seen from this room.) I believe the light that might be casting the shadow was one of the flattish globe lights right on the ceiling. I also wonder if my mother or father were standing on something and angling the camera down. Finally, none of these people were tall - my grandfather was probably around 5'8'' at the most!
It's funny though, the windows/celiing do appear enormous.
Here's another view taken from a different angle.
Years Before Christmas Excess

It regard to post War Britain - I had a ration book until I was around two years old, 1956. I wish my mother had kept it, but I'm sure she was thrilled to finally be done!
4 months ago

RicksPics replied to Deborah Lundbech:

Thanks for your response.
4 months ago