
Oystercatcher / Scholekster (Haematopus ostralegus)

Big surprise to find two of these at the central meadow in the park two days ago. It was early in the morning and after the rain we've been having there was no doubt a lot of food to be found there. I couldn't get very close to them and only brought my 300mm but luckily I also had a 2x extender with me so these were at 600mm, a combo I only use in emergencies. This was such an emergency. :)
So, not the best of shots, but Oystercatchers in the middle of the city, in a park?
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Levina de Ruijter said:

Thank you all for the very nice comments.
11 years ago

Levina de Ruijter replied to :

Oh, Betty Jo, I missed your question!!!
Using extenders comes with a price: loss of image quality. With a 1.4x extender it's minimal, with a 2.0x extender is more significant. The better the gear the better the results and I have the good stuff, but still there is a drop in IQ.
Plus with a 1.4x extender you loose one full stop of light. With a 2.0x extender you loose two full stops. So with a 2.0x extender my 300mm f/4 lens becomes a f/8 and a lens like the 400mm f/5.6 lens becomes a f/11. Also not something you want. So whilst a 1.4x extender is perfectly useable, a 2.0x extender has its disadvantages and that is why I only use the latter in case of an emergency. :)
11 years ago

Levina de Ruijter said:

Thank you, Betto Jo, Susie and Michel!
11 years ago

Marie Tissier said:

Magnifique ! Je n'ai jamais vu cet oiseau ! Cela valait la peine de ramper pour l'immortaliser et nous en faire profiter !
11 years ago ( translate )

Levina de Ruijter replied to Marie Tissier:

Dans ce cas, je suis content d'avoir rampé! :) Merci beaucoup, Marie.
11 years ago ( translate )

Levina de Ruijter replied to :

Thanks very much, Chris.
11 years ago ( translate )

Janet Brien said:

What a fabulous bird! Love the details, such great coloration!
11 years ago

Levina de Ruijter replied to Janet Brien:

It is pretty, isn't it? Quite large too. Thank you so much for stopping by, Janet.
11 years ago

Levina de Ruijter replied to :

Thank you very much, Chris.
11 years ago