
Grey Heron (Ardea Cinerea) à la Brenizer...

Yes, it's a Brenizer of sorts. He was too close. About 1/3 of him fitted within the frame and with the setting so lovely with all the Autumn colours and the leaves on the grass I thought of mr. Brenizer and his method. So I focused on the eye and began taking pics. First down, then around the bird and again in a bigger circle, or rather rectangle, making sure there were ample overlaps between shots. I ended up with some 24 images that I then loaded into Photoshop. The blend was seamless and this is the result.

I never quite understood the Brenizer method, or rather why you would need it and I don't think this is what it was meant for, but the method worked really well here in that I ended up with an image of the entire bird in a beautiful setting. In fact I think it looks surprisingly wonderful! :)
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