This is about an illustration in a well known book:
Lewis Carroll's and Henry Holiday's
The Hunting of the Snark.
[top]: Redrawn segment of the print
orartie van de Professor L. Wolsogen over syndroom en de nytlegging van de felue gadaen ... by an anonymous artist (1674). The print now is located at British Museum, BM Satires 1047,
[bottom]: Segment of an illustration by Henry Holiday to the chapter
The Hunting in Lewis Carroll's
The Hunting of the Snark (1876)
Götz Kluge said:
[top]: Print orartie van de Professor L. Wolsogen over syndroom en de nytlegging van de felue gadaen ... by an anonymous artist (1674). The print now is located at British Museum, BM Satires 1047, 1868,0808.3286.
[bottom]: Illustration by Henry Holiday to the chapter The Hunting in Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark (1876)
Götz Kluge said: