The mystery of why some pictures are particularly popular deepens. This reasonable but not specially good or interesting picture is a runaway success on Flickr, and it isn't even the best shot in its batch. Does its "Royal" title and subject explain this?
I've long been suspicious of the automatic(?) favouriting that my pictures get, sometimes within seconds of their being uploaded, so yesterday, as an experiment, I uploaded a completely blank white "picture" without a title or anything else, and not in any albums or groups, and so far it's had over 100 views and - yes - it's been favourited twice.
Isisbridge said:
Howard Somerville replied to Isisbridge:
Howard Somerville replied to Isisbridge:
I've long been suspicious of the automatic(?) favouriting that my pictures get, sometimes within seconds of their being uploaded, so yesterday, as an experiment, I uploaded a completely blank white "picture" without a title or anything else, and not in any albums or groups, and so far it's had over 100 views and - yes - it's been favourited twice.
Isisbridge replied to Howard Somerville:
Howard Somerville replied to Isisbridge:
Isisbridge replied to Howard Somerville:
I think this is a good picture, though I'd prefer it if it had been taken in 1953.
You could try asking the people who faved your blank picture why they like it so much.
Perhaps they think it's a shot of the emperor's new clothes.
Howard Somerville replied to Isisbridge: