
High Street, Lechlade

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Isisbridge said:

Roy has the usual problem with this - NOT ENOUGH LEAD IN.
2 years ago

Howard Somerville replied to Isisbridge:

This was 3:2 AR and the original did include a bit more at the edges. But the street continued far beyond the limits of the frame, so however much or little of it I'd have included, more lead in would have been demanded. To include more top and bottom would have meant more road (an excess of which I don't like) and more sky, which Roy would have criticised.
2 years ago

Isisbridge replied to Howard Somerville:

It doesn't need any more sky, but a little more road at the bottom, so that the eye is focused on the main part of the buildings, rather than being drawn up to the chimneys.
2 years ago

Howard Somerville replied to Isisbridge:

To my eye, here, the buildings are in a balanced position within the frame. See my comments on the Toll House picture.
2 years ago

Isisbridge replied to Howard Somerville:

Yes, I know your eye works very differently from mine.
2 years ago ( translate )

John Lawrence said:

hanks for posting your wonderful picture to

2 years ago

Howard Somerville replied to Isisbridge:

Well fair enough. No one can say that one of us is right and the other wrong. Different artists, even the most famous ones, see things differently, and that's the glory of their art. If they didn't, their work would all be the same. Both of us do as our different "eyes" tell us, and we should continue to do so.
2 years ago

Isisbridge replied to Howard Somerville:

But it may be that one of us is right and the other left.
Being left-eyed might give me a different perspective from you normies.
2 years ago