
The crane bowed

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MJ Maccardini (trail… said:

I'm glad that at least one crane lowered. I was 11 when Churchill died, and I don't remember any coverage at all on tv in the states. Much about Churchill can come under the critical scrutiny of time and political perspective, but I think everyone would agree that the footage of all the cranes in the Pool of London bowing for the funeral flotilla is a powerful image -- one of London's finest moments.
10 years ago

Jen Pedler said:

Interesting comment, MJ. I grew up in an era when Churchill was a hero. We had won the war and things would have been awful if we hadn't. As a child I don't think you can understand politics apart from by the perspective of the adults around you.
But we have an awful bunch now, on both sides, and none have the gravitas that he did. And much as I hate Thatcher and all that she stood for, Blair was a much worse PM.
10 years ago