

Wakiki Beach, Wakiki, Oahu, Hawai’i

This digital composition was created from garbage and litter found on Wakiki Beach along with an untarnished Pua Melia blossom that had fallen from the branches above. The title Edena was selected because Hawai’i is a “paradise” on earth and delightful refuge from many of the world’s problems. The chosen colors are filled with symbolism. Green (Omao) represents compassion, refreshment, the abundance of lush plants that cover the Hawai’ian Islands and well as life and love since per the Hawai’ian proverb, “Hāʻawi ke aloha i ke ola i loko”“Love gives life within.” The eight red (ula’ula) dots on the domino represent the eight Hawai’ian Islands and the lava from the volcanic activity that had created them as well as passion. The splotches of yellow (melemele) represent the refreshing wind that comes off the Pacific as well as the Island of Oahu. The pastel whites (keʻokeʻo) and browns (palaunu) represent the sands on Hawai’ia’s coasts while the splotches of black (eleʻele) represent lava rock and black sand newly created by the continuous and active volcanic activity of the islands. The tinge of blue (polu) in the capital letter “B” represents the nearby ocean as well as health.

At the same time, the Pua Melia (Plumeria) on the left is the floral symbol of Hawai’I used to create leis, that represents new beginnings, beauty, forgiveness, and life. The peach coloration on the Pua Melia represent comfort, warmth, and joy – which are epitomized by the smiling face. Finally the Japanese characters on the discarded chop sticks and product label represent harmony and cultural diversity based on the Hawi'ian saying, "Aloha does not discriminate!"

With that said, “Aloha i nā mea āpau āu e ʻike ai a mau a mau ke aloha”“Love all that you see and may our love last forever.”
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Annemarie said:

beautiful the compo and green tones
3 years ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Une admirable et magnifique composition très représentative de l'île de Hawaï qui est ,un vrai paradis sur terre. Tout est bien décrit, de l'environnement et de l'ensemble des îles volcaniques. Un superbe chef-d'oeuvre qui dégage de l'amour et de la passion.
3 years ago ( translate )

raingirl said:

This one drew me in.

I'm curious about your process. Do you photograph the items separately and then fully use digital to merge them, or do you start with a photograph of a physical layout that you then work with those wonderful ones and zeros?
3 years ago

William Sutherland replied to raingirl:

I photograph a physical layout first before using digital effects and working on a color scheme.
3 years ago

Cheryl Kelly (cher12… said:

A wonderful creation with so many great messages! Love the flower and the chopsticks!
3 years ago

William Sutherland said:

Thank you Alice, Annemarie, Malik, Raingirl, and Cheryl! Stay well!
3 years ago

vero said:

une magnifique création, Hawai est un vrai paradis; des gens d'une grande sagesse et plein d'amour, vive l'amour, belle journée, William, toute mon affection
3 years ago ( translate )

Günter Klaus said:

......das wirkt immer sehr interessant lieber William:))

........wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni:))
3 years ago ( translate )

* ઇઉ * said:

A fantastic piece of work that is a highly sensitive testament
to the much vaunted Hawaiian culture and way of life.
Welcome back, and stay well, William!
3 years ago

J.Garcia said:

Splendid details beautifully described, William
Excellent holiday souvenir
I don't know but a few weeks ago I view a recent documentary about Gauguin and the works inspired by this paradise
Have a nice week ahead!
3 years ago

RHH said:

Interesting and unusual composition. Hope you had a great trip.
3 years ago

Josiane Dirickx said:

Bcp de recherches et de réflexions dans cette création qui est en même temps un bel hommage a Hawaï....
3 years ago ( translate )

micritter said:

Again, a beautifully thought out, executed, and explained work of art that is unique.
3 years ago

╰☆☆June☆☆╮ said:

Good work.
Have a lovely new week my friend, and stay safe......;-)
3 years ago

Jocelyne Villoing said:

Beaucoup de douceur en harmonie dans cette belle création !+++++++
Bonne semaine William.
3 years ago ( translate )