Rush Hour
Mamaroneck, NY
Note: Composed from garbage consisting of discarded ductwork, bolts, the remains of a rubber spacer ring, and toy cars. The duct pipes and horizontal, vertical and curvy lines represent the highway and street grid and the endless possibilities that lie ahead contingent upon the road taken, the toy cars represent rush hour traffic while the duct work on the left resembles a muffler and tailpipe. The orangey-brown earthen tones represent the colors of the sky during the waning hours of the day while the traces of purple and blue represent the approaching dusk. The shades of gray represent an urban setting where traffic jams are most prevalent. Last, if we make a good choice for travel or have an easy rush hour commute, safe return to our families and loved ones and/or chance to wind down from the hectic activities of the day over dinner, a glass of wine, TV or hobby, as the face indicates – there is reason to smile!
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Taken on Sunday August 23, 2020
Posted on Sunday August 23, 2020
- 528 visits
- 63 people like
neira-Dan said:
©UdoSm said:
Rosalyn Hilborne said:
Sunday greetings.
Marie-claire Gallet said:
Peggy C said:
Your talents seem to know no bounds !
J.Garcia said:
You have reason to remain optimistic, you have creativity, it's very important to live
Esther said:
Malik Raoulda said:
Bonne soirée.
William Sutherland said:
ROL/Photo said:
(à nouveau superbe)...
vu sous cet angle on peut sourire
même si la conjoncture ne le permet pas...!
MAIS........ sommes nous encore par moment capable d'analyser.....!
la tourmente et la peur troublent notre cerveau, entre dans notre subconscient
qui lui fini par dominer notre contient....! le problème est souvent là...
la médiatisation des horreurs jetées à la figure, captées par nos yeux entrent
directement dans nos cerveaux déjà si faibles en ces moments difficiles que nous vivons!et nous permet plus de sourire....!
William Sutherland said:
* ઇઉ * said:
A fabulous, abstract work, William!
Have a great week and stay well!
tiabunna said:
sea-herdorf said:
Sehr ansprechende Komposition und Text.
Freundliche Grüße, eine gute Woche und bleib gesund
Annemarie said: