
Ash Wednesday Gloom and Hope

Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Mount Pleasant, NY

[T]here is a… great silence, and stillness” and fear “over the earth” [1] on this Ash Wednesday as we are reminded – “You are dust and to dust you shall return.” [Genesis 3:19] It is 1347 again. COVID-19 is the Black Death of 2020. Though the number of afflicted rises, Medieval lock downs are expanded, isolation threatens social bonds and peoples worldwide are urged to prepare for an uncertain future with significant disruptions in life, gloom cannot extinguish hope for God has “posted [angels] to guard you” [2] and “will take away from thee all sickness” [Deuteronomy 7:15] with the promise, “I [W]ho am life… I [M]yself am united to you.” [3] We, humankind will get through this!


[1], [2], and [3] From an Ancient Homily for Holy Saturday. 26 February 2020. www.vatican.va/spirit/documents/spirit_20010414_omelia-sabato-santo_en.html
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©UdoSm said:

I am convinced that not one religion, but only medical findings can help here...
4 years ago

ROL/Photo said:

William…. la vie est un éternel recommencement
dans le bien… mais aussi dans le mal…
si nous devons le subir...
ce sera notre destin à nous TOUS
en attendons … Vivonset ne soyons pas mort avant de l'être..!
4 years ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

Une belle intention pour un éveil de conscience,priez c'est bien mais prendre ses précautions c'est encore mieux..Nos autorités algériennes ont annoncé mardi l’identification d’un premier cas de coronavirus dans le pays. Il s’agit d’un ressortissant italien arrivé à Alger le 17 février.
Le dispositif de surveillance et d’alerte mis en place au niveau national a permis de détecter deux cas, âgés de 55 et 61 ans, répondant à la définition de cas suspect ..Comme vous le dites si bien,le monde est vraiment malade,sans parler des perturbations environnementales et les changements climatiques..Après ce qui vient de se passer ,nos gouvernants répondent positivement au coronavirus de peur que ça ne se propage de plus en plus..!
4 years ago ( translate )

Taormina said:

The corona viruses are highly variable.
Now ... by the end of February,
seven human-pathogenic coronaviruses are known.
SARS-CoV-2, was completely unknown until then and triggered COVID-19.
From this, one can protect oneself, as from any influenza.
Always wash your hands (including your wrists) for at least 20 seconds.
And do not open doors with your palms as much as possible.
Also do not press any buttons directly with your fingers.
Very important! Do not reach into your face repeatedly.
Avoid shaking hands and decide for yourself whether you should visit
public places like parties or cinemas.
The virus spreads through contact.

And most importantly... don't panic, and don't let yourself be driven crazy.

Viruses survive in our genetic material for thousands of years.
They make us who we are and our right to live on Earth.
They make us immune.
If you look at it that way, then our genome is not 100% human.
As long as evolution is ongoing, we are subject to change.
Because nature will always find a way.
4 years ago

* ઇઉ * replied to Taormina:

Good, factual information, also with regard to the effect of viruses etc. on our organism/genome. Let's hope that as many people as possible have access to such information to counter further scaremongering. Thank you, Katja.
4 years ago

Damir said:

very actual image ........
4 years ago

William Sutherland said:

Thank you Udo, Roland, Malik, Katja, and Damir. Udo -- Science, medicine, good hygiene, and proper precautions are the key to solving this; I simply tied in the spreading gloom with the Ash Wednesday holiday with the addition of hope. Prayers also help such as by lifting morale and optimism. I agree Roland, "Lets live!" Malik, it's disappointing to hear Algeria now has its first cases. Hopefully the healthcare facilities can manage the coronavirus and it will be limited to just these two patients. Excellent info Katja. The world needs to take a step back from fear.
4 years ago

Annemarie said:

yes William
we are in a bad situation all over the world, interconnected and ....who knows what future brings!
impressive work!
4 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Let's cross our fingers !!
4 years ago

Marie-claire Gallet said:

As you say, good hygiene and proper precautions will help to get rid of this virus and searchers will find a solution, I am sure. When we look at the past, we can note that humankind has survived to many epidemics . They are so many diseases against which we have to fight, especially cancer, but we have to be confident in the medicine which has made so many progresses. Lets live!!!!!!!!
4 years ago

William Sutherland said:

Thank you Annemarie, Jaap, and Marie-claire!
4 years ago ( translate )

neira-Dan said:

beau traitement
4 years ago ( translate )

* ઇઉ * said:

A great piece of work, which actually reminds of past epidemics and illustrates the current fear of many people of SARS-CoV-2.

In view of the comparatively large number of victims of influenza, I don't yet like to call SARS-CoV-2 the "Black Death of 2020". However, the support "from above" can give courage, strength and hope to all frightened people.
4 years ago

Frank J Casella said:

Very moving story telling image William. Love the colors and processing effect as well.
4 years ago

Jocelyne Villoing said:

La peur n'évite pas le danger quand à l'avenir restons optimiste !
4 years ago ( translate )