

Larchmont, NY

Note: I selected the title 1-1_3-1-1-3 since often during times of repression people have to use symbols and numbers to protect their lives and to express the magnitude and gravity and global ramifications of a coup if it succeeded in the United States. In my photo, I used an image of the constitution with the preamble “We the People” since it is the fundamental basis of the American democracy and all free countries and Scrabble® letters to form my message and provide the code numbers – “No Coup” and two pawns, one black and one white to represent people of all races and genders. The pawns are fallen since a coup would be the death knell of the United States, the people, our inalienable rights including that to even exist, our dreams and ultimate control over our personal destiny.

Sadly, today's events in the United States has compelled me to move this photo to the front of my photo stream. This is the first time Washington, D.C. has seen political violence since 1876, the first time since 1814 during the War of 1812, the Capitol was stormed, and the first time people have died in this violence -- one brave Capitol police officer among the five who died. Regardless of what happens now, one cannot say we had a peaceful transition of power when President-elect Biden is certified the winner tonight or early tomorrow and sworn in on 20 January 2021. Those who engaged in this political violence and stormed the Capitol are terrorists, insurrectionists, and traitors. It was a violent coup attempt to overturn the will of the people expressed in free and fair elections. There's no other way to put it. I condemn these despicable acts in the strongest terms. Long live the Constitution and democracy! They will prevail while those involved including President Trump will be forever viewed with shame as history has no reason to be kind to them... ever!
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Don Sutherland said:

Very creative, but I don't consider a constitutional process set forth under Article I, Sections 2 and 3 and Article II, Section 4, a coup. Also, as per that process, even if the House of Representatives votes to impeach, that is the equivalent of an indictment. The Senate would hold a trial and removal would depend on a 2/3 vote.
5 years ago

William Sutherland said:

From a technical standpoint you're correct. However when history is used considering the deep state operatives said Trump would not be elected, then attempted to prevent him from taking office with statements urging "Electors" to defy the election results, and comments about an "insurance policy" to remove him from office with false Russia collusion claims, the fact President Obama recommended that Ukraine investigate Paul Manafort, Hillary Clinton's campaign had real collusion with the Russians to create the Steele dossier, Senators Durbin Leahy and Menendez threatened to cut off Ukrainian aid if they didn't help Mueller, VP Biden gave Ukraine 6 hours to fire their prosecutor investigating his son or lose billions in aid, John Kerry went rogue and held a secret meeting with Iranian officials to undermine official U.S. policy, etc. -- there is a lot more than the technical standpoint to be viewed. This is plain and simple a second coup attempt being driven by the deep state, those who want their power back and congressional pawns.

If this succeeds, then perhaps every political party will use "impeachment" proceedings to damage and/or remove every president they don't like or don't agree with politically.
5 years ago

RHH said:

Interesting photo and interpretation. Agree especially with your last statement.
5 years ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Toujours tres evocateurs vos sujets.. Cette fois c'est la politique qui prend place ,face a une democratie un peu pietinee... Un president qui nie les faits,et les democrates qui veulent le destituer ( constitution oblige ) . Le resultat incombe aux deux chambres, avec un avantage aux deputes du senat majoritaires .
5 years ago ( translate )

William Sutherland replied to Malik Raoulda:

It's not a good situation when each side has there share of "pietinees" that refuse to accept facts if they paint a negative picture of their own kind and policies but this is today's USA. Still childish behavior is not an impeachable offense even if it does invite gridlock. It also isn't good that sometime between 2018 and recently, the intelligence community "deep state" changed their definition of a "whistleblower" from someone who has direct knowledge to someone that can have second or third hand knowledge to entice their operative to come forward with claims about a call he really knew nothing about. For those who support impeachment, perhaps talk about Hurricane Dorian, his Alabama mistake and the strong arm tactics directed at the NOAA might be something legitimate to look into.
5 years ago

by the way said:

Schöne Arbeit!
5 years ago ( translate )

Reyk said:

Politik war und ist ein schmutziges Geschäft, aufgebaut auf Kompromissen, Lügen und Intrigen.Interessengruppen und nicht zuletzt die Wirtschaftliche Politik bestimmen die Lage in einer Nation. In ihrem Fall geht es um eine Einzelperson, die auch nur persönliche Interessen verfolgt
5 years ago ( translate )

William Sutherland replied to Reyk:

Still, there used to be some integrity in politics where people could put aside differences to compromise for the greater good of country and community. Perhaps abolishing political parties and allowing people to serve as individuals representing their constituents might be a solution since then they would have less reason to embrace zero-sum politics and ideologies over constituent needs and concerns such that compromise and working together would be back in style. No wonder George Washington refused to join a political party even if some try to assign him one based on his personal beliefs!
5 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Very well done and an interesting article William.
5 years ago

William Sutherland said:

Thank you Ron, Malik, by the way, Reyk, and Jaap!
5 years ago

J.Garcia said:

I have read with interest all the comments.
I have a very clear opinion about Trump and I admit that it's a bit exaggerated.
I don't know the American Constitution to be able to have a real sense of the process that is currently taking place in the United States.
I hope the right solution is found

A very topical subject and very interesting work, William!
5 years ago

Annemarie said:

yes, great work!
5 years ago

tiabunna said:

Well composed and taken, with an interesting article, William.
5 years ago ( translate )

dolores666 said:

We live in interesting times indeed. Worse luck...
5 years ago

Nicole Merdrignac said:

Superbes composition et message. Nicole.
5 years ago ( translate )