
Je suis Paris

Note 1: Image created from photograph using a St. Joan of Arc book cover, globe image purchased from Shutterstock, souvenir Eiffel Tower I bought in Paris, and special effects from Smart Photo Editor.

Note 2: I added a hyperlink where people can donate to the French Red Cross to support the victims of the 13 November 2015 terrorist attacks and show solidarité with the people of Paris in a note over Paris on the photo.
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William Sutherland said:

Thank you Caujolle. So sad. Wish this didn't keep happening.
9 years ago

Don Sutherland said:

Wonderful memorial image.
9 years ago ( translate )

Peter Van Lom said:

"Nous sommes Unis"
9 years ago ( translate )

aNNa schramm said:

Trauer und Wut !!!
9 years ago ( translate )

beverley said:

je suis charlie and now je suis paris . . .
when will this ever end . . . !
9 years ago

William Sutherland replied to beverley:

Yes, and also attacks across the Middle East, too many Britons killed in Tunisia, innocent Russian passengers killed in Sinai, etc. etc. I'm not sure it will end until the world takes a united stand and gains the courage to stamp out this cancer for once and for all. Only then will innocent people be able to live in peace regardless of borders, religion and beliefs. These disgusting terrorists are waging war against all nationalities and all religions (look how many Muslims too are being killed when their mosques are being blown up). One can only hope that humanity survives instead of this cancer.
9 years ago

Malik Raoulda said:

hands-908166 640
9 years ago ( translate )

Marie-claire Gallet said:

We are extremely touched by all your messages of solidarity and symthaty after this horror night. Thank you so very much for your support, William !!!! Let's hope for better days in this chaotic world.
9 years ago

Belleuse said:

Excellent your creation, William !!!!
I wonder - it would be good create a new group , for all photos of memories and solidarity of these days ...
9 years ago

William Sutherland replied to Belleuse:

You could if you want. I know there's a group specifically for Je Suis Charlie. I wish, though we wouldn't have to make these tribute images.
9 years ago

MARCEL said:

Merci William @++
9 years ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) said:

Who could fail to agree, well done William.
9 years ago ( translate )

Jaap van 't Veen said:

My thoughts and heart are with the French people.
9 years ago

Esther said:

Solidarity indeed! My thoughts are with the French people.
9 years ago

Rabbitroundtheworld said:

9 years ago ( translate )