A. Means
He was the only African American Hatter (Hatmaker) in Memphis, Tennessee in the late 19th century.
Mr. Means for years has run the only first class hat store owned exclusively by colored people. He and his son have had long experience in the hat business and their workmanship has been of such a character as to give this firm an enviable reputation in business circles. Mr. Means is one of our oldest and best known citizens and no man stands higher in the estimation of all classes. He is a man of considerable wealth and has a commodious home on South Cynthia street. He has always been a good citizen and has done his part to promote the same. An estimable wife and three children form his family circle.
A. Means & Son, The Hatters,
Keep constantly on hand a select assortment of the Latest Styles of Soft Hats neatly cleaned, dyed and repaired. Mail and telephone orders promptly attended. Satisfaction Guaranteed, New Phone 2905, 125 Gayoso Ave., Memphis, Tenn.
Sources: The Bright Side of Memphis: A Compendium of Information Concerning the Colored People of Memphis, Tennessee, Showing Their Achievements in Business, Industrial and Professional Life and Including Articles of General Interest on the Race, by Green Polonius Hamilton (1908)] *GP Hamilton was Principal, of Kortrecht High School in Memphis, TN
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Taken on 1800-01-01 16:28:22
Posted on Wednesday October 18, 2023
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