Photini ipernity uploader screenshot
Prototype Ipernity uploader for my "Photini" metadata editing program.
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Taken on Thursday January 27, 2022
Posted on Thursday January 27, 2022
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Amelia said:
Jim Easterbrook said:
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… said:
would it be okay for you if we refer to and / or in our Team - News -
Helpful programmes for editing metadata and uploading files to ipernity are things that we and other ipernity members are always looking for... And if they also work on Windows, Mac and Linux - all the better!
And even if you've been using ipernity since January - welcome again! By the way, you can also find helpful tips and HowTos for ipernity under the keyword "ipernity-howto". :)
Jim Easterbrook said:
BTW, do you know if Photini's API key would remain active if I should close my account for any reason?
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… replied to Jim Easterbrook:
No, we don't want to link to the app page any more, it was removed from the footer of the page for a good reason, because many of the things listed there didn't work any more after ipernity had changed their page at some point (long before this page became that of an association). And because some of the apps there strongly encourage selectionless mass uploading, which many members found rather annoying in the past.
Except in the api group, this page should also no longer have a link to it anywhere (accordingly, it is no longer maintained).
None of us has dealt with the api yet, we don't have the time for that (and apart from the documentation for the api (and its functions) that can be found on the site, ipernity has unfortunately been handed over to us completely undocumented.
Unfortunately, I can't tell you to what extent your key for the app is tied to your account. But that's probably how it is (which is the usual way).
Unfortunately, I can't test the authorisation much either. Yesterday, I installed photini in my debian buster as a test, and I did get the "main programme" installed, but nothing related to oauth (so now I only use it for tagging and geolocation). But that might be due to my relatively old system. Maybe I'll test it in the next few days - or do a dist upgrade...
Jim Easterbrook said:
pip install --user photini[ipernity]
I thought I'd seen the app page before I joined the api group, but I may be misremembering. I hope the api can be kept adequately functional in the future. Open source software in general relies on public apis.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… replied to Jim Easterbrook:
Accordingly, I installed it using
mkdir bin/photini
cd bin/photini
python3 -m venv .
source bin/activate
pip3 install setuptools wheel
python3 -m pip install -U pip
pip3 install photini python-exiv2 PyQt5==5.14.2 pyqtwebengine==5.14.0
Then only optional depends are missing:
No module named 'enchant'
No module named 'gi'
No module named 'gpxpy'
No module named 'requests_oauthlib'
No module named 'requests_toolbelt'
No module named 'requests_oauthlib'
But the main tool worked.
And then I tried to install the uploaders and some other parts of it:
pip3 install photini[flickr,google,ipernity,spelling,importer] gpxpy pillow
And running into problems because of oauth, dbus and so on:
stefan@kiezkicker:~/bin/photini$ /home/stefan/bin/photini/bin/python3 -m photini
No module named 'enchant'
No module named 'gi'
No module named 'gpxpy'
(python3:29944): dbind-WARNING **: 14:51:27.819: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-1T9cRtnyCL: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt ("connection refused")
No module named 'requests_oauthlib'
No module named 'requests_toolbelt'
No module named 'requests_oauthlib'
(giving me just an eggtimer after the gui is created)
So I deinstalled it and installing it again, but this time without the uploaders (and other stuff).
Now I am using it just as tagging-utitlity (which is really ok for me as this is the most annoying part at ipernity). :-)
Anyway, I was mostly interested in using photini for tagging and geolocating, and it does that without any problems. :-) I do the rest (putting in an album and groups) on the website...
Bergfex said:
Jim Easterbrook said:
Jim Easterbrook said:
Jim Easterbrook said:
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… replied to Jim Easterbrook:
But since you asked:
A Linux with Debian (Buster) is running here, and a Linux is currently used as the kernel. I use xfce for the desktop.