Wow that looks delicious - at least it did until I saw there were olives in it - I don't know what else is in there - but I went right off it because of the olives. It's really looking so tasty - it looks more like a sweet, than a savoury
Thanks both. It's a bread product that you then add rosemary, salt, sun-dried tomatoes... whatever to the top. You can leave off the olives, though we like the green ones, and my son dotted a little cheese on the top too. It tasted great!
Jenny McIntyre said:
Gracie said:
Bee Orchid said:
Gracie replied to Bee Orchid:
Frank J Casella said:
Bee Orchid said:
Frank - :) It was so good, my son has started another one today (Saturday) that we'll enjoy later on with gnocchi.