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©UdoSm said:

The one on the rod would be very nice...
2 months ago

Patrick Brandy replied to ©UdoSm:

Oui merci.
2 months ago ( translate )

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Just in time !!
2 months ago

Patrick Brandy replied to Jaap van 't Veen:

Oui merci.
2 months ago ( translate )

Walter 7.8.1956 said:

2 months ago ( translate )

Patrick Brandy replied to Walter 7.8.1956:

2 months ago ( translate )

Madeleine Defawes said:

Superbe cliché de cette carpe qui saute !
Bon weekend. Amitiés
2 months ago ( translate )

Patrick Brandy replied to Madeleine Defawes:

Merci de même.
2 months ago ( translate )

Percy Schramm said:

Un moment spectaculaire.
2 months ago ( translate )

Patrick Brandy replied to Percy Schramm:

Oui merci.
2 months ago ( translate )

Gudrun said:

Wow, what a catch!
2 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Magnifique et excellente prise bien rendue.
2 months ago ( translate )

Max Biobauer said:

Sehr sprunghaft. ;-)
2 months ago ( translate )

Nouchetdu38 said:

2 months ago ( translate )

Günter Klaus said:

Wow,einfach grandios,wie du es immer wieder schaffst,so schöne scharfe Aufnahmen zu machen,eine tolle Nahaufnahme :))

Wünsche noch ein schönes Wochenende,liebe Grüße Güni :))
2 months ago ( translate )