

Aigrette garzette
Egretta garzetta
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Percy Schramm said:

Un portrait magnifique, Patrick !
3 months ago ( translate )

J.Garcia said:

The main image and PIP 1 show the enormous differences in behavior: in the difficulty of walking through the mud and the lightness of flying
PIP 1 and 3 are also superb!
Stunning details and images, Patrick!
3 months ago

©UdoSm said:

A beautiful collection about this noble bird species...
3 months ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Beautiful series of bird images.
3 months ago ( translate )

Walter 7.8.1956 said:

Sehr spannende Aufnahmen!
3 months ago ( translate )

Stephan Fey said:

Une super série!
3 months ago ( translate )

Gabi Lombardo said:

une serie superbe! J'aime surtout le 3. Photo!
3 months ago ( translate )

Madeleine Defawes said:

Superbes images animalières !
Bon weekend. Amitiés
3 months ago ( translate )

Ulrich John said:

Fine series, Patrick !
3 months ago ( translate )

Makrofan said:

Wunderschöne Serie! Wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende, Patrick
3 months ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

Remarquable et excellente série joliment partagée.
Bonne et agréable fin de semaine paisible.
3 months ago ( translate )

Günter Klaus said:

Du bist immer zur Stelle,wenn es tolle Tieraufnahmen gibt lieber Patrick,eine geniale Serie zeigst du von diesen Wasservogel :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Tagesausklang,liebe Grüße Güni :))
3 months ago ( translate )

Eva Lewitus said:

All these photos are just beautiful
3 months ago

Don Sutherland said:

Wonderful shot.
3 months ago

Franck Chabal said:

Jolie prise !
3 months ago ( translate )